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Mobile Film Festival is an officialevent of the COP21


1 Mobile  - 1 Minute - 1 Film


In this Short Film we did show that, "how the quantity of water decreases by time if we do not stop global warming". The cost of water will increase if quantity will decrease. One day no one will get the water! Not even in exchange of money!

A short film in which a father teaches his daughter that hell is not created by God but by humans and if we act responsibly, we can turn hell into heaven.

SAVE THE WORLD, is a funny take on how we fantasize about being a super hero and save the world, but what we forget is that we can save the world by doing our small bit, by RECYCLING. ACTONCLIMATECHANGE Film is shot and edited on Iphone6.

If global warming continues you could have less sex. That's right, there's even less sex than you’'re having now.

What goes around, comes back around..Its payback time for human kind..Get ready for the nature's vengeance.