Enable Block: 

According to research carried by CWIN, an NGO working for child welfare, 15 per cent of the total children in Nepal are engaged in hazardous work. 4,50,000 children are among the nine million

The Centre has rejected a major recommendation of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) prohibiting the Government employees from hiring children below 14 years as domestic servants. NHRC

Aboriginal leaders have attacked the announcement that the Northern Territory could become Australia's seventh state in 2001, warning that it will lead to a further erosion of their rights. The

A Women's Development Group, STEPS, based in Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu, has been selected as the first recipient of the Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh Award for outstanding work on issues related to

A high-level central action group has been set up to study various aspects of bonded labour. The group, formed by the National Human Rights Commission , will submit periodic reports to the Supreme

A controversy has risen over the number of child labour in the country. The figure provided by the states and Union territories peg it at only five lakh. But the Central government is not prepared to

The reindeer-herding Sami people of northern Sweden have won an apology from the government for centuries of oppression. The Sami, who number about 70,000 are pushing for rights as an indigenous

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees moved to defuse criticism of its management and financial practices, with a rebuttal of allegations raised by the Financial Times investigation into

WB: While South Asia as a whole lags behind as far as the status of women is concerned, Pakistan in particular has one of the worst records in female health and education, says World Bank

At least 16 UN agencies, led by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) , have expressed concern over the fact that India ccounts for the largest number of child workers in the world. Though
