Enough room

TWENTYFOUR more chambers have been unearthed in Egypt's biggest Pharaonic tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor in Southern Egypt. Archaeologists have discovered a total of 91 chambers in the tomb built for a son of Rameses ii. Around 67 funeral chambers were found in last May. In addition to that, two corridors with 12 chambers were located recently, by an American and Egyptian team.

Hundreds of incomplete statuettes and sarcophagi with parts of mummies were found there. Tablets bearing names of Rameses ii and his four sons and inscriptions stating the time when the tomb was built were also retrieved.

Archaeologists expect to spend 10 more years to clear and restore the tomb. They state that it may unfurl a lot of important information and treasures. The Valley of the Kings in Luxor, housed numerous tombs of Pharaohs.