Power talks
Power talks
India and Pakistan once again came together to resolve disputes over the Baglihar power project. In December 2003, a three-member Pakistani inspection team clarified doubts regarding India's violation of the 1960 bilateral Indus Waters Treaty. A six-member Indian team headed by A C Gupta, chairperson of the Indus Water Commission, began talks with the Pakistani team, led by Sayed Jamat Ali Shah, in Islamabad, to resolve differences over the project. According to the treaty, India has full rights to utilise the river waters of Ravi, Satluj and Beas while Pakistan has the riparian rights to utilise the waters of Indus, Jhelum and Chenab. The 450 mega watt power project being built over the river Chenab in Baglihar, Jammu and Kashmir, is near completion and is expected to be ready for commissioning later this year.