Order of the National Green Tribunal regarding EC granted for mining of sand, stone and bajri in river Yamuna, Himachal Pradesh, 01/10/2019

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Rana Randeep Singh Vs Union of India & Others dated 01/10/2019 regarding Environmental Clearance (EC) granted by the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Himachal Pradesh to a mineral-based industry for mining of sand, stone and bajri in river Yamuna.

One of the key reservation against the granting of EC is that the project falls within the proposed Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ) and stream sand mining activities would have an adverse impact on the river's water quality. Further, the proposed mining site is an important wildlife habitat and wildlife corridor as it is surrounded by important national parks, sanctuaries and conservation reserves. The appellant had alleged that the mining industry had not provided the requisite information which was "tantamount to misleading the SEAC and SEIAA."

The three member bench of NGT headed by Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel dismissed the case as a joint inspection of the project site had been carried out and also the project proponent had got clearances from various authorities and an approved mining plan had been submitted along with pre-feasibility report with requisite form (Form IM).