Report by Yash Pakka on fine imposed by UPPCB for polluting Tihura nala, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, 13/06/2020

Compliance status filed by Yash Pakka Limited formerly M/s Yash papers Ltd on 13/06/2020 on the fine imposed by the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) for polluting of Tihura nala which flows into river Saryu at the downstream of Ayodhya. The industry stated that it was wrong on the part of the UPPCB to impose the penalty of Rs 40 lakhs on the industry and it was "wrongly calculated and illegally proposed by the UPPCB" as it was evident from the investigation report of September 6, 2019 which said that the farmers had encroached on the government nala/drainage and it was due to their activities that Tihura Nala was getting obstructed and polluted.

Further, the industry stated that the "UPPCB had no authority or power to impose and recover environmental damages under the law" and the same can be imposed only by the NGT. The applicant industry had already carried out de-sludging of Tihura drain and submitted a compliance report on January 1, 2020. The compliance of the same has also been inspected by the Joint Committee constituted by the UPPCB in joint inspection.