Action taken report regarding construction of a proposed road affecting a water source at village Malia Dhadharia, tehsil Salt Khumad, district Almora, Uttarakhand, 09/08/2022
Action taken report regarding construction of a proposed road affecting a water source at village Malia Dhadharia, tehsil Salt Khumad, district Almora, Uttarakhand, 09/08/2022
Action taken report by way of affidavit on behalf of the State of Uttarakhand (represented by its Chief Secretary) and Public Works Department, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
The matter related to the construction of a proposed road affecting a water source at village Malia Dhadharia, tehsil Salt Khumad, district Almora. The total length of the proposed motor road is 21 km. out of which 2.225 km. motor road is under construction.
The present alignment of proposed road is about 20 meter above the said naula/water source located at village Malia Dhadharia.
As per finding of the Joint Committee, there is a possibility of damage to said water source due to construction of the motor road. After field inspection and discussion with the villagers of Malia Dhadharia and Talla Dhadharia, the Joint Committee found that the water source can be conserved if the alignment of the proposed road is changed. But if the alignment is changed then the length of the road is likely to increase approximately to the extent of 200 meters.
In the said context, the Public Works Department informed that sanction towards new alignment will have to be taken from the competent authority. A survey is being conducted by the Executive Engineer (Provincial Division), PWD, Ranikhet and the process of getting consent from villagers for acquisition of their land will start. Once the requisite consent is given by the villagers, then the approval for alignment of the road in accordance with the survey conducted will be taken from the competent authority of PWD, stated the report, August 9, 2022.