Admirers & Critics of P K Chamling
Admirers & Critics of P K Chamling
He may not be sophisticated enough to view environmental problems like a trained activist, but he understands them in his own way. His solutions may sometimes look roughshod but his willingness to learn is his greatest asset. What more can one expect from someone who took over after 14 years of environmental neglect by Bhandari? Chanting has been around for just four years
Chukie Topden,
Concerned Citizens of Sikkim, an NGO
The chief minister is very open to ideas and has always given a lot of weight to our inputs on any environment and development-related activity
Eklabya Shrma,
Principal scientist,
G B Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development
Chamling has the will. His efforts deserve great appreciation. His predecessor Nat Bahadur Bhandarl did nothing I even though he had 32 out of 32 MLAs, he could have done a lot for the environment. He lacked the will
Jigme N Kazi,
Editor, Sikkim Observer
Commitment to environment is fine, but for Chanting all this is part of a strategy to generate support for himself at the national level. What has he done for the common people? Has any of the steps he has taken made life easy for the common man?
Tara Nima,
Agricultural labourer, Rangpo town
Chamling appears to be addressing environmental issues, but it is perhaps more to do with appeasing the religious sentiments of the people than a deliberate attempt to conserve the environment
Rajiv Rai,
President, Concern Sikkim, an INGO
Chamling lacks determination. It is no use passing the buck on to the bureaucrats all the time
Mahesh Gurung
Concern Sikkim