A fruit boom will soon catch on in Andhra Pradesh with the government launching schemes for the integrated development of fruits and vegetables.

Andhra Pradesh MInister for Forests, Science and Technology Ch Ayyanna Patrudu admitted that the state government's decision to privatise zoological parks had made little headway.

The Andhra Pradesh agriculture plan for the district of Cuddapah envisages cultivation of 2.3 lakh hectare. A detailed report on this regard has been submitted to the Agriculture

The forest cover in Andhra Pradesh is depleting at a rapid pace with the fund starved and ill equipped Forest Department unable to check poaching. During 2000-2001 alone, as many as 11,566 cases of

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister assured that his government would usher in a green revolution in Adilabad district by spending Rs 500 crore to Rs 600 crore in the near future.

Orissa's world famous Similipal tiger reserve is to get a change of guards with the state government deploying trained elephants to protect its wildlife and forests from poachers and the timber

The Andhra Pradesh State government had bagged a Rs 600 crore World Bank aid for taking up "Community Forest Management" programme in over 80 lakh hectare of forest land. The decision which is

About 2.40 lakh hectares of groundnut crop has been affected by bud necrosis disease in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh besides 4,000 hectares in Kurnool.

The shrinking 200-year old Saroornagar Lake that has been brought back from the brink of total disappearance only a few years ago still faces with numerous problems that continue to threaten its

Zoo sources attributed severe water and air pollution in the vicinity of Nehru Zoological Park in Hyderabad as one of the possible causes causes behind the lion Randhir's death. A similar fate is in
