The Brihanmumbai Muncipal Corporation's prestigious Rs 242-crore Solid Waste Recycling Facility project to be set up at its Gorai landfill has run into rough weather. The Waste to Energy' project
Mumbai street kids in shelters showed their dependence on the ubiquitous cheap pouches of gutka and oral tobacco while 65 of the 125 of them at Don Bosco Shelter were advised followup by the Cancer
On World Environment Day June 5, the Gas Authority of India Limited issued a bold public awareness print advertisement with the catch phrase 'Say yes to plastic. Save trees'. This has irked kick
The dwindling numbers of one of the most endangered bird species in the country, Bengal Florican, is a cause of concern for the Bombay Natural History Society(BNHS). BNHS director, Dr Asad R Rahmani,
Raite, a remote Maharashtrian village, shot into limelight in 1998 when some tribal students of its Government Ashram School trekked 66 km for two days and one night to the tribal development
Uneven distribution of income, dipping production levels of foodgrains, problems in the agriculture sector and urban-centric growth are the focus areas of the first Human Development Report of
Under the regular thudding of suburban local trains, money is being plucked from Palak leaves and patches of bhendi. But the Green Revolution ushered in more than two decades ago by both suburban
Acting on complaints made by citizens about the slackened pace of garbage removal in many areas of the city and suburbs, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has pulled up those errant private
Last year, 99 people died, ostensibly due to leptospirosis. But the shocker from the Indian Leptospirosis Society that only 11 of the 45 samples sent were of lepto has raised a barrage of questions.
The four solar concentrators installed around the Tower of Silence in the Doongerwadi complex in Malabar hill, is winning widespread approval with the Mumbai city's 50,000 strong Parsi community, for