A High Court bench of Chief Justice Pradeep Nandrajog and Justice N M Jamdar had underlined “a serious lacuna in the decision-making process” and “lack of proper scientific study”.
Both BPT and JNPT have particularly indicated the potential navigation issues and environment hazard as at least two of these oil vessels — TAG 6 and TAG 22 — are lying tangled in the sea.
According to rainfall data released by the India Meteorological Department, the suburb of Malad West had received 301 mm of rain from 8.30 am until 7.30 pm on Monday.
Last year, 392 malaria cases were reported from government hospitals and dispensaries in June, while cases of dengue rose from 21 in June to 399 in September in 2018.
While the ban has been in force since June 23, 2018, Kadam admitted that the enforcement of the model code of conduct for the Lok Sabha elections had impacted its implementation.
The study estimates that vaccination and screening could result in cervical cancer being eliminated as a public health problem, with average rates across countries falling to less than 4 cases per