The management of NTPC Dadri has banned the use of polybags in the shopping complex at the Vidyut Nagar township. In the month-long campaign, shopkeepers have been directed to use paper bags
The State's Forest Minister is reportedly at loggerheads with the Forest Secretary and some forest officials who have allegedly ganged up to run the internationally-renowned tiger reserve of
Cross-breeding of the Indian 'Gir' with foreign breeds - Jersey and Hf - has produced a stable breed of cow that can deliver more milk with high fat content. The new breed christened as "Phule
Fresh cases of dying fish have been reported within 24 hours of the Kerala government inititing steps to "permanently monitor and check pollution" along the river Periyar to prevent such incidents.
Delhiites may soon have to pay Rs 500 for throwing a polybag with their garbage, Rs 1,000 for doing it again and if they still don't learn - a month's trip to jail with a Rs 5,000 fine.To be placed
A fortnight after the cyclone, the Gujarat Fisheries Department has not come up with lists of either fishermen missing, bodies found or mepty boats discovered. Now, fishing associations across the
After Linux, the operating system that can be downloaded for free from the Net and is giving Windows a run for its money, a 15-year-old Class X student from the city has posted a simple software
In a curtain-raiser to World No Tobacco Day on May 31, Dr Prem Aggarwal, General Secretary, IMA (Indian Medical Association) urged the government to launch a national programme to bring down the toll
Two years ago, 66-year-old Durgarani of West Bangal's Birbhum district suffered injuries after tripping in the bedroom of her house. After the injuries healed, there was some bizarre growth on her
Saplings micropropagated in India have no takers abroad as biotech labs do not test clones for viruses.The issue was discussed at the national seminar on biotechnological applications in Pune last