The Institute of remote Sensing(IRS) at Anna University plans to arrive at a system to identify the near real time of the occurrence of forest fires through the use of remote sesing

Trained foresters of Orissa's 32 forest divisions have set out for the century's last headcouting of Asian elephants.Similar exercises wer begun simultaneously yesterday in the Simlipal tiger

Indian success story in Antarctica: The XVIIth Indian Antarctica winter team has acheived the rare feat of generation 500 watts of power using a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell(PEMFC). This

The century's last census of the Indian tiger will begin later this week - it's being kicked off from the Corbett Tiger Reserve. To make the counting more "realistic," Project Tiger has decided to

Small farmers using slash-and-burn land clearing methos were blamed on Thursday for fires in Indonesia's western Riau province which have heightened fears of new smong dangers. But officials offered

Three deer were mauled to death when a pack of foxes raided their enclosure at Lalbagh(Bangalore) on Sunday night. the attack has also left four deer badly wounded and another battling for

The West Bengal Government today admitted that it had received 10 unconfirmed death reports related to the long dry spell in the state. It also asked the Agriculture Department to conduct a survey

The Gujarat State Forest Department, which has failed to check the black buck menace in north Gujarat, is facing another problem of plenty. Thousands of Neelgai are wreaking havoc by destroying crops

Fires threaten JNU's green landscape, wildlife: Jawaharlal Nehru University has been on fire for the past two weeks. This time round it has not been sparked off by heated ideological

The tribal living inside the Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Borivli have fallen out with the Park authorities. While they say the 40 panthers with whom they share their habitat are posing a risk to
