Pakistan today test-fired a second nuclear-capable missile, Shaheen-I, the first in a new series of surface-to-surface missiles, with a range of 750km(450 miles) military and government officials
The first basmati rice hybrid "Pusa RH-10", developed by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute(IARI), has yielded 34 per cent more than the most popular rice variety during field trials, IARI
There has been a three-fold increase in the number of AIDS cases in Tamil Nadu, said Tamil nadu State Aids Control Society (TANSACS) project director, K.
The Orange wildlife sanctuary, known for the one-horned rhinoceros, apart from a wide variety of other endangered species, has been declared a National Park with effect from this
India's first multisectoral environment exhibition, conference and film festival continued to attract visitors for the second day. The exhibition is on till the 16th this month. One of the biggest
Three deaths in as many days in a locality in Sheila Dikshit's constituency, Gole Market, allegedly due to contaminated drinking water, have residents up in arms. While the residents insist that the
The Environment Pollution AUthority(EPA), set up by the Supreme Court, today lashed out against the Delhi government for what it called poor implementation of several measures to contain increasing
The Union Minister of Industries, Sikander Bakht, today said that all efforts are on to restore the statutory powers of the Public Sector Divestment Commission and a step in that direction will be
Punjab and Haryana, which form the bread basket of the country, are set to harvest a bumper wheat crop of 214.95 lakh tonnes against 202.60 lakh tonnes last year. This would offset the losses
Even though there are bright prospects of a bumper wheat crop in Uttar Pradesh, farmers' mood in the state is anything but buoyant. With the Food Corporation of India(FCI) yet to begin procurement of