Tata study: The flaring away of large quantity of natural gas produced in the Upper Assam oilfields, has been considerably reduced, but the state is now heading for a massive shortfall of gas by the
Two months after its attempts to trp and relocate black-buck herds from the Visavadar area of Mehsana district ran aground, the forest department of Gujarat is still groping in the dark. New methods
The failure of INSAT-2B transponders is giving sleepless nights to its insurer - New Indian Assurance -which is expecting to take a major hit along with its London-based re-insurers for the latest
Two leopards were beaten to death by villagers in the state since Sunday in separate incidents when they strayed into areas inhabited by humans. A Deputy Superintendent of Police was among the six
Over 3,000 uoung flammingoes are facing death in the Greater Rann of Kutch, where they usually breed. In Flamingo City in the Rann, named by the late Salim Ali, around 45,000 flamingoes arrived from
Put a face to tiger conservation in India and you see Bill Arjan Singh. He has been accused of indulging in an unethical act against the tiger itself. A departmental inquiry headed by the wildlife
A unqiue ethnobotanical database containing information about 700 medicinal herbs and plants has remained unused even after five years after its preparation, apparently as the Andhra Pradesh
Fifteen infants at risk of being metally disable are born daily in Mumbai alone, while one such child is born every minute across the country, according to a report released by the Association for
The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) is planning to invite private investment in the nuclear power sector to meet its target of generating 20,000 MW by the year 2020. Speaking to mediapersons, AEC
In a move aimed at expanding bilateral economic ties, India and Russia today signed an agreement for cooperation in agriculture and veterinary field. The agreement was signed here by Minister of