The effluents being discharged by some 30 textile units in Sahajpur-Gopalpur area have made survival difficult for the 20-odd farmers here. As some 100 acres have been rendered barren, the farmers
Adulterated mustard oil, responsible for the dropsy epidemic which has already claimed one victim, has found its way into locally made pickle. At least 30 per cent of pickle picked up in random
The hills of Matheran in Mumbai, which have already suffered tremendous damage over the years due to large-scale deforestation, now have a new danger to deal with: tonnes of plastic strewn all over
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the proposal for implementing inter-regional high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission project between the eastern and northern regions
The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MEF) has finally cleared the Sanghi Industries Jetty project in the Kutch after a delay of nearly three years. The matter will now go to the Gujarat High
An acute shortage of blood has hit the blood bank at the main hospital in AIIMS for the past few days. Blood has had to be requisitioned from the Red Cross and the CNC Blood Bank in AIIMS itself to
With the government deciding to transfer large chunks of MHADA land to the Shivshahi Punarvasan Prakalp, the forest department finds it has no land to relocate 33,000 hutments from the Sanjay Gandhi
Minister: Union Minsiter for Forests and Environment Suresh Prabhu today said his ministry would soon present a White Paper on issues pertaining to the environment. An acton plan would be submitted
The Drug Control Department has initiated punitive action against 16 pharmaceutical firms for manufacturing substandard drugs and violating various other sections of the Drug and Cosmetics Act of
This prophetic warning by eminent ecologist Eugene P. Odum appears to have become a reality in Chinagollapalem, a picturesqu island in Andhra Pradesh's Krishna district.The 6,000-acre island with