The Chinese government is preparing to impose minimum fuel-economy standards on new cars for the first time, according to experts who were involved in drafting the regulations. The standards are

North Korea said that it would hold the United states accountable for the planned suspension of a project to build nuclear power stations in the Communist

Arab oil ministers on Sunday were to discuss the feasibility of a proposed pipeline between six Gulf

Japan National Oil will start selling shares worth 30 billion Japanese Yen, or $ 277 million, of shares in an exploration unit next week, according to bankers involved in the

ChevronTexaco agreed on friday to supply liquefied natural gas to China for 25 years from the Gorgon project in Western

SARS may have been contained for the moment but the international community must take immediate steps to prepare for a recurrence or the outbreak of a new disease, a World Health Organization

A drug widely prescribed for anemia in cancer patients and believed to help radiation work better did not prolong life and might have even impaired cancer treatment in some patients, a study in

The European Union said that it had permanently banned the importation of U.S. hormone-treated meat and asked the Bush administration to drop tariffs imposed in retaliation for loses caused to U.S.

The Navajo revere this remote area around a mesa in northwestern New Mexico as the place where the mythical figure Changing Woman gave birth to two warrior sons who made the universe safe. Residents

Doctors in China have become the first in the world to make an infertile woman pregnant with an experimental technique devised in the United States for women who have healthy genes but defects in
