Oil prices have been at record highs this year, with money sughing into the coffers of oil producers. And as leaders of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countires head into a final meeting

Iranian technicians were scheduled to break United Nations seals on the Isfahan nuclear plant Monday, allowing uranium processing to resume, a spokesman for Iran's Supreme National Security Council

Iran was starting the suspension of its sensitive nuclear activities surrounding the enrichment of uranium, in accordance with an agreement reached with Britain, France, and Germany, state

The government set the statge for the resolution of the

France, Britain and Germany have announced that they have reached a formal agreement with Iran committing the country to freeze a critical part of its nuclear program in exchange for an array of

Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi fo Iran praised the outcome of weekend talks with European negotiators, saying that a preliminary agreement has been reached to suspend Iran's production of enriched

When Kenyans go to the gas pump, they have several options

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countires has called on the United States to dip into its strategic petroleum reserve to help deflate oil prices, the cartel's president said

With uncertainties increasing about supplies of natural gas and oil, nuclear energy is making powerful global comeback, prompting concerns about atomic terrorism in th epost-Sept. 11 era. A number

The European Central Bank said on Thursday that record oil prices were threatening to slow economic recovery in the euro zone. A 65 percent surge in oil prices this year is tempering global growth,
