Environmental activism is low on the priority list of governments in the conservative societies of the Gulf region, the source of 40 percent of the world's exported oil and the location of more than

Once barely enough to stir the surface of the energy industry, wind power is gathering intensity, evolving from local origins and drawing in major international investors like electricity utilities,

The Senate has overwhelmingly passed broad energy legislation. The bill's authors hope it strikes a balance between traditional and alternative sources of power that can break a four-year

From the dusty plains of East Africa to the shores of the Caspian Sea, China is seeking to loosen the United States' grip on world energy resources and secure the fuel it needs to keep its economy in

Iran's conservative president-elect, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, plans to move forward with a nuclear program, saying that it is a matter of national pride. But he also agreed to continue discussions with

Taiwan plans to double its capacity to generate electricity from coal as it phases out nuclear power because of public opposition that may prevent a $7 billion plant with two reactors from ever

Ira Ehrenpreis may be a kind of prophet advocating investments in alternative energy companies, but don't accuse him of being noble. In recent months Ehrenpreis, a venture capitalist at Technology

Thailand may issue rules to curb consumption of gasoline, electricity and other energy sources by businesses and individuals, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has said.New rules will probably be

The president of East Timor, Xanana Gusmao, said that his country should not rush to settle a dispute with Australia over offshore oil and gas fields before the three-year-old nation can handle the

In the early 1970s, before Chernobyl or Three Mile Island, before anyone was worried about climate change, the Danes decided to harness the wind, and not the atom, to generate much of their
