Midway between Okinawa and China, a Norwegian seismic ship is performing seemingly routine survey work this spring, trawling with long seismic cables and using sound waves to create three-dimensional

India said that it would resume talks with Pakistan about building a natural gas pipeline from Iran, resisting U.S. opposition. The Indian oil minister, Mani Shankar Aiyar, said that Prime Minister

Behind President George W. Bush's recent shift in dealing with Iran's nuclear program lies a less visible goal: to essentially rewrite the main treaty governing the spread of nuclear technology,

The United States needs an energy strategy worthy of the enormous energy-related problems it faces, which include global warming, soaring energy costs and dependency on Middle East oil. Opening up

After decades of sinking prices, a uranium boom is under way as orders for new nuclear power plants in Asia mount and a vast stockpile of fuel from former Soviet nuclear weapons decommissioned after

In northern Russia, where vast deposits of natural gas lie waiting to be tapped, Gazprom, the stateowned Russian energy giant, is hatching a multibillion dollar strategy that would lock a swath of

Two global oil companies have signed deals with the government of Qatar to produce liquefied natural gas, agreements that will result in the construction of plants in the county. Exxon Mobil and

India has joined China in a ravenous thirst for oil that now has the world's two most populous nations bidding up energy prices and racing against each other and against global energy companies in an

PetroChina, the largest Chinese oil company, said Tuesday that it planned to spend 27.2 billion yuan expanding the country's largest petrochemical project to meet demand for fuels and raw materials

The uranium enrichement centrifuge plant that gets the most attention these days is in Iran, but a larger one, carefully watched by the civilian nuclear power industry and its opponents, is taking
