India plans to overhaul its 49-year-old mining law to cut permit delays, lift output and bolster economic growth, a senior government official said, in changes that may benefit investors such as

Anyone who has given thought to the pitifully fragile state of the oceans' coral reefs should have been heartened by the recent classification of two kinds of coral as threatened under America's

The General Assembly has adopted a strongly worded declaration aimed at pressing the countries of the world to strengthen their battle against AIDS, a global pandemic that Secretary General Kofi

A tough European Union law that limits toxic substances in electronic devices takes effect July 1, and companies that want to do business on the continent are racing to comply by redesigning their

The first detailed analysis of an extraordinary climatic and biological record from the seabed near the North Pole shows that 55 million years ago the Arctic Ocean was much warmer than scientists

The meeting of European and Latin American-Caribbean countries held in Vienna in the beginning of May allowed for a fruitful exchange of views on many issues. Most important, it provided the

New surveys suggest that the global AIDS epidemic has begun to slow, with a decline in new HIV infections in about 10 countries, the head of the UN's AIDS program has announced. Outside of those

Honda Motor, aiming to build the first diesel car that meets pollution rules across the United States, has patented a new method to curb smog-forming gases. The tailpipe emission of nitrous oxides

Rich nations aren't used to the dark side of globalization. For them, the phenomenon tends to reduce costs and lift profits, securities markets and living standards.
Recently, wealthy economies

Indonesia Thousands of injured people flooded into already crowded hospitals while rescuers rooted through the rubble of collapsed homes looking for survivors after a severe earthquake that killed
