The tuna population in the Mediterranean is nearing extinction, a new WWF report released this past week has warned, with catches down 80 percent over the past few years, even among high-tech
The Food and Drug Administration has approved the first 3-in-1 anti-retroviral pill for use by the U.S.-sponsored plan for AIDS treatment, something that the White House's acting global AIDS
Poor countries have long claimed that their people suffer needless sickness and death because the price of medicines is too high. They are right. But often part of the fault lies in their own
Dell has said it would offer free recycling of any of its machines, regardless of whether their owners were buying replacement systems from Dell. Previously, consumers needed to buy new Dell
DaimlerChrysler, which shelved an earlier plan to bring the minicar brand to the United States, was to announce that it would introduce the two-seat vehicle to the American market early in 2008,
In the past few decades, a handful of scientists have come up with big, futuristic ways to fight global warming: Build sunshades in orbit to cool the planet. Tinker with clouds to make them reflect
Europe today is home to a confused debate over the value of intellectual property. Put simply, some want to reward intellectual property while others are striving to penalize it.
Outside Europe,
But this scorching southern European summer seems to have concentrated designer minds. After years of splitting collections between city slick and vacation escapism, the fashion world is getting
A wandering bear, the first wild bear seen in Germany in more than 170 years, has been killed after eluding the authorities or weeks in southern Germany and Austria, a regional official said. "The
But a report commissioned by the European Union, released earlier this month, concludes that however much the Continent associates alcohol with Ireland, much of the EU has a serious drinking problem