The World Health Organization's new plan for ramping up the production of flu vaccine is a measure of how unprepared the world is to cope with an onslaught of pandemic influenza. The plan, conceived
Three years ago, Margot Wallstrom, who was then the European Union's environment commissioner, revealed to a startled Brussels press corps that a blood test had found the presence of 28 artificial
In the past month, nearly 400 Libyan children infected with the AIDS virus have quietly come for treatment to some of the premier pediatric hospitals in Italy and France, sent to Europe at the
The price of an average cab ride increased by $1 when the city Taxi and Limousine Commission voted unanimously to double the amount charged on the meter when a taxi sits idel in traffic. The
Sales of greenhouse gas credits will rise to more than $3 billion this year from $2.7 billion in 2005 as developing countries sell more credits to industrialized nations, the World Bank said
Millions of lives could be saved by detecting lung cancer early with CT scans and treating it immediately, when it can still be cured, according to researchers at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell
Eight years after first drawing attention to a global shortage of flu vaccines, the World Health Organization said that the failure to increase vaccine production meant that billions of people would
Gletsch Switzerland To hear the locals tell it, you would think they were referring to a loved family member declining in old age. "It hurts, it hurts," Philipp Carlen said of his feeling toward the
It is time to make a serious effort to save the vanishing wetlands and barrier islands along the coast of Louisiana. The best chance is a bill passed by the U.S. Senate that would guarantee Louisiana
Zanzibar's famed pristine, palm-fringed beaches are threatened by the unchecked disposal of raw sewage, development and deforestation, officials said Sunday. The situation is such that the Indian