Scientists have discovered an extinct animal the size of a small squirrel that lived in Chinal atleast 125million years ago and soared among the

Geneticists following up on the case of a 10-year old Pakistani boy who could walk on coals without discomfort have discovered a gene that is central to the perception of

Stong warning labelson antidepressants about suicide risk should be extended to include not only children and adolescents but adults under 25, a federal advisory panel has

The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change was released on Oct. 30 and became front page news because of its striking conclusion that we should immediately invest 1% of worldeconomic

Global warming could devastate the ski resorts of Europe within decades, especially in lower-lying areas, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

The European Parliament approved a landmark lawWednesday to regulate toxic chemicals, putting it on track to enter into force in 2007 after years of debate between industry and

A federal effort to quickly pinpoint and contain outbreaks of disease among livestock is coming under attack on farms, in Internet chat rooms, and at livestock markets, ranches and feed shops across

Nissan Motor, the second- largest Japanese automaker, said Monday that it intends to develop its own gasoline-electric hybrid cars by 2010, to compete in a segment where it lags Toyota Motor and

The Ebola virus has killed between 3,500 and 5,500 gorillas in one region of the Congo Republic since 2002, and its continued spread, along with illegal bunting could wipe out the species researchers

China and India were resisting efforts at the United Nations climate conference to begin early talks that might focus on demanding that they and other poor but fast-developing nations cut back on
