The southeastern region of Brazil felt a surge of nuclear power a few weeks ago. This was notable because the surge had been awaited for more than 20 years. After what seemed like interminable

A British parliamentary committee expressed serious concern about U.S. plans to build a National Missile Defense and said Washington "cannot necessarily assume unqualified cooperation" from its

With the AIDS virus skipping silently through China, a number of the country's leading medical experts have begun to complain angrily that the government has done too little to define the epidemic

The tobacco industry has been waging a sophisticated secret campaign for years to undermine efforts by the World Health Organization to combat smoking around the globe, the agency charges in a

A novel form of cancer treatment, based on a defective virus that can grow only in cancerous cells, has passed another milestone by showing promise in treating patients with recurrent head and neck

A team of American scientists announced that they had decoded the genetic map of the cholera bacterium, paving the way to revolutionary drugs to fight the disease. Tough and versatile, the comma

Corporate researchers say they have developed an artificial heart valve that they think will grow and change with the patient, even a child. The team at Cryolife Inc. in Atlanta, said their valve is

More than 5,000 prominent scientists and physicians from around the world have released a document asserting that the cause of AIDS, is indeed the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. The statement

The government of Zimbabwe gave official notice that it would immediately begin seizing 804 mostly white-owned farms, in an announcement that created confusion and dismay in farming

Using a new stroke rehabilitation therapy, scientists have shown for the first time that the brain can be coaxed into reorganizing its circuitry so that people can regain nearly full use of their
