With the goal of cleaner energy, China has approved two multibillion-dollar liquefied natural gas projects, the China Daily Business Weekly reported

Delegates from more than 130 countries have adopted the first global treaty regulating trade in genetically modified products, setting up an international framework for the increasingly heated and

The disclosure of worse than shoddy research practices at the University of Pennsylvania's Institute for Human Gene Therapy sends a cold shiver through the field. Even ardent supporters of gene

After decades of denials, the U.S. government is conceding that workers, who helped make nuclear weapons were exposed to radiation and chemicals that produced cancer and early death. The new finding

With 46 US states beginning to receive payments from their $206 billion settlement with the nation's leading cigarette makers, a legal fight is emerging over whether some smokers are themselves

The outgoing chief economist of the World Bank has not relented from his criticism of the international financial community, which he accuses of excluding poor countries from the decision-making

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School have taken immature cells from the spinal cords of adult rats, induced them to grow and then implanted them in the gap of the severed

Women who take a commonly prescribed combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone after menopause may increase their risk of breast cancer much more than previously suspected, according to a

The Clinton Administration has released a set of goals aimed at improving the health of the U.S. population over the next decade, even as officials acknowledged that the country had failed to meet 85

A significant numbr of older U.S. nuclear power plants are approaching the end of their useful lives and must be decommissioned , a process with profound environmental consequences, because the
