Concerned about the rising problem of obesity in the United States, the US government has made available a new tool designed to allow parents and padiatricians to gauge more accurately whether

Wading into one of the United States' most contentious environmental debates, Vice President Al Gore has pledged to prohibit logging and road building on 43 million acres of undeveloped national

A Harvard-affiliated hospital in Boston quietly suspended a gene-therapy experiment last summer after three of the first six patients died and a seventh fell seriously ill, previously unreleased

Chewing gum : According to a letter being published in The New England Journal of Medicine people can lose weight by chewing gum. The letter was written by some researchers who conducted a recent

An Israeli company is ready to start testing a "video pill" a tiny video camera designed to monitor a patient's intenstines. The M2A Swallowable Imaging Capsule transmits two images a

Science often rests on chance discoveries. So it is that an American archaeologist studying the origins of Venice has stumbled on clues suggesting that a multibillion-dollar plan to build floodgates

Scientists in Britain revealed this that prions, the infectious agents that cause degenerative brain disease, can exist in apparently healthy laboratory mice throughout their normal life span without

A haze shrouded Hong Kong with air pollution hitting a record high as slow winds failed to disperse pollutants spewing out of local vehicles and factories in southern

The European Commission and France said they would take their battle over the safety of British beef to the European Court of Justice, placing a new cloud over the future of British meat

Doctors who have injected new genes into the hearts of heart-attack survivors say the experimental technique rejuvenated damaged cardiac cells, increased blood flow to the heart and reduced the
