Describing organ donation as an "act of love" Pope John Paul II sought to lay down guidelines for the rapid advances in human organ transplants. But the people also condemned human cloning as

Scientists at BioTransplant Inc. say they have created a breed of mininature swine that does not infect human cells with potentially harmful viruses, removing a major obstacle for using pig organs

France called out the army and the state electricity company mobilized retired workers as the country continued to clean up and restore power to millions of homes after the killer storms. At least 70

For three decades, geologists probing beneath th Arctic Ocean near Inuvik and in offshore Alaska have mapped the largest known untapped reserves of natural gas in North America:165 trillion cubic

Something pigs ate? : A sandwich, a seagull, a pork pie or even an Asian wild boar-hunt is widening for what set off a swine fever outbreak in eastern England. The Agriculure Ministry cast doubt on

A book about anthropologists working with isolated Indians in Amazonia has touched off a raging storm in the profession. In the book, "Darkness in El Doarado: How Scientists and Journalists Devasted

In just the past four years, there have been dramatic declines in the populations of many species, particularly primates and reptiles, according to a global study released. The "Red List" of

In a report to President Bill Clinton last year, a group of leading computer scientists warned that the country faced a troubling "Software gap". In a new report, the group, known as the President's

While President Bill Clinton was signing legislation to protect the oceans, Japan expanded its whale hunting the North Pacific. In defiance of international pleas from Mr. Clinton, Tony Blair and

Thousands of truckers from across Germany clogged streets in central Berlin to demand relief from higher gasoline prices. They theoretically got some when the government offered low-interest loans to
