With politicians around the world seeking answers to surging oil prices, Vice President Al Gore place the issue squarely into the U.S. presidential campaign by urging President Bill Clinton to draw

African leaders called for an international conference to discuss the issue of land compensation, as Zimbabwe forged ahead with its campaign to seize white-owned farms for resettlement by black

Wildfires in the United States are throwing off political heat as well, with some Westerners blaming the mammoth blazes on reductions in timber harvesting under the Clinton Administration. The

A Venezuelan 'illness'? : Like motorists everywhere, Venezuelans love to complain about the price of gasoline, and they have been doing a lot of that lately. But one thing sets them apart from almost

A recent report by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and the Asian Development Bank warned that the environment in Asia was under stress because of rapid

In what the National Weather Service has called "a drought of historic proportions" in the Southeast of US, farmers in Florida, Louisiana and elsewhere have seen their crops ravaged, while Alabama

Clean up teams started pumping up the thick oil after a Maltese registered tanker split in two off the French coast, spilling 3 million gallons of fuel oil into the

Two typhoons roared into Asia from the Pacific killing at least 25 people and cutting a trail of destruction across Taiwan, Vietnam and mainland

Two weeks after its fiasco in Seattle, marred by riots and dicord, the World Trade Organization remains so polarized and paralyzed that it cannot even agree to discuss what had gone wrong and how to

A century that will remembered for material and scientific progress may also be remembered for something more modest:as a moment when mankind, realizing that the earth's resources are not finite, and
