International health experts surveyed border areas in Saudi Arabia and Yemen in an effort to contain a deadly outbreak of Rift Valley Fever. Officials in both countries said that by Monday night the

The discovery of an unapproved variety of genetically engineered corn in an American brand of store-bought taco shells is prompting new calls for the labeling of bioengineered foods. But the case,

A long-term approach : It is nearly two decades since AIDS started sweeping across Africa like a biblical plague, destroying whole families, communities and increasingly, economies. Now we have to

More than 90 people have died in a cholera outbreak in the drought-hit northwestern Afghanistan province of Badghis, according to a report by the United

A commencement address in 1997, President Bill Clinton set a target of creating an AIDS vaccine within the space of a decade. Three years later, there is encouraging progress toward that objective.

"Ireland of the Hundred Thousand Welcomes" is in danger of becoming Ireland of Hundred Thousand Overflowing Trash Bins, particularly in the cities where the country's six year economic boom has

Mindful that Republicans could occupy the White House in less than six months, the Clinton Administration is working feverishly to issue a host of new regulations supported by environmentalists and

The Clinton administration has issued guidelines that would at long last allow federal funding of research on stem cells derived from human embryos. This avenue of inquiry offers the potential for

Dick Cheney, the Republican vice presidential nominee, that President Bill Clinton's decision to tap into the Stretegic Petroleum Reserve was ill-conceived and patently political and that as

Eight new cases of 'mad cow" disease in Britain may be linked to the fact that cow feed can contain cow blood, scientists said in the Sunday
