Over the past 20 years, biologists have voiced increasing concern about the monarch butterfly's most threatened and critical habitat, a single stretch of Mexican forest to which hundreds of millions

An experimental treatment for advanced kidney cancer has shrunk tumors or wiped them out completely, prolonging life in some patients for whom conventional therapy had failed,doctors are

New results from a study strongly suggests that one of the drugs developed from a search, Repifermin, spurs the growth of human skin, healing or partly healing some debilitating wounds that were

Less than a year after doomsayers painted Asia and the Pacific as the world's biggest millennium-bug black spot, officials throughout the region are proclaiming that their banks, businesses,

The Internet and other technological advances can save millions of tons of paper and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, researchers said. Bank of America Corp., Procter & Gamble Co. and other

For the first time in several centuries, a member of the primate order, the taxonomic group to which human beings belong, has become extinct, scientists say in a paper in the October issue of the

Flooding and landslides from Japan's worst torrential rains in at least a century have killed six people and prompted the authorities to urge almost 400,000 Japanese to leave their homes in the

Tests have failed to support a theory that the worldwide AIDS epidemic was touched off because an experimental oral polio vaccine used in Africa more than 40 years ago was made from chimpanzee

Sub-Saharan Africa is home to two-thirds of the world's 33.4 million people living with AIDS, and the mostly agrarian economies are doubly cursed. Nowhere are people are more dependent on strong

Even though new drug therapies continue to cut AIDS death rates in wealthy countries like the United States, the news from the AIDS front is chilling. In the developing world, the situation is
