Indonesia's forests are disappearing even faster than studies a few years ago indicated. Despite the proclamations of previous Indonesian governments of a permanent forest estate, with 49 million

Japan, the world's largest food importer, is in the midst of a struggle over how to treat genetically modified foods. The government has gone along with consumer demands for labels on such products

The Food and Drug Administration has announced that it is temporarily shutting down every human gene therapy experiment at the University of Pennsylvania after an inspection uncovered "numerous

Hundreds of volunteers and experts worked at cleaning beaches and tried to save endangered birds over the weekend, as oil from a pipeline leak spread over more than 16 square miles of Guanabara Bay.

Faced with rising political opposition to biotechnology, backers often stress the immense promise that the new technology holds for public health. That promise came a step closer to reality this

poised for a big shift ? : The World may be on the brink of a change in climate patterns that could last 20 or 30 years, some scientists believe. If current temperature, conditions in the Pacific

Taking its war on smoking to a more graphic level, the Canadian government has proposed that cigarette packs carry color photographs of diseased hearts and cancerous lungs and lips. And to illustrate

Over the years, researchers have found hundreds of drugs to slow the growth of cancer. But they have found virtually nothing that can prevent cancers from forming. The goal is not just a drug to stop

Some of the goats on the farm, which is run by a company called Gerzyme Transgenics Corp., have human genes in them. Others have genes not found in nature, genes produced by human artifice. In their

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela said over the weekend that he hopes to obtain up to $600 million in loans from the InterAmerican Development Bank to finance reconstruction in the wake of mud
