It would be merely a matter of time before oil from the freighter Selandang Ayu, which broke apart on Dec. 8, would begin oozing into the ocean, straight in to one of the world's most diverse and

Fervent appeals for a

China faces a water shortage of 40 billion cubic meters every year and severe water pollution poses a threat to the health of millions of people, state media reported. More than 400 of 669 Chinese

Women in scanty dress are used to sell everything from cars to cigars in Mexico, but the efforts of environmentalists to harness one model's sex appeal to stop men from eating turtle eggs as an

Faced with growing evidence that avian influenza is spreading in birds, the World Health Organization on Wednesday signed an agreement with the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche Holding to build up

It's been obvious for some time in America that state governments are taking the problems of global warming and oil dependency much more seriously than the Bush administration is, and have been far

Fourteen billion years after the Big Bang started it all, there is still life in the old cosmos. Astronomers announced that they had discovered three dozen babay galaxies in what passes for nearby

An internal company report warned top executives at New mont Mining, the world's largest gold producer, in 2001 that the company was putting tons of toxic mercury vapors into the air in Indonesia.

For some time, scientists have predicted that the world's coral reefs will be among the first eco-systems to suffer devastating damage from global warming. But some reefs are proving surprisingly

After Park Pil Soo's second child was born nine years ago, he followed national family planning entreaties to limit families to two children by undergoing a free, government-sponsored vasectomy.
