A barefoot traditional healer entered her thatched

The Chinese police have detained a leading human rights advocate who represented farmers in lawsuits against the government, expanding a crackdown on writers, intellectuals, lawyers and journalists

Veterans of the 1991 Gulf war exposed to pollution from oil well fires, exhausts and other sources face an increased risk of lung cancer, a government advisory group reported. A committee of the

The burger from the American company Hardee's weighs in at 1420 calories and 107 grams of fat

Old ways of managing water in dry regions are winning new attention in the search for sustainable development in both urban and rural settings, experts in water technology say. The old techniques

Singapore has seen the future - and it is filled with innovations like urine-powered batteries, body parts produced from stem cells and contact lenses that exude drugs into your eyes. Faced with

The worldwide drug industry is clearly ailing. Three major companies

China Chengtong Holdings, a state-owned distribution company, plans to use the Hong Kong listed China National Resources Development holdings as a financing vehicle to build a national recycling

In parts of India, the sophistication of a person could traditionally be judged by the number of empty pits in his, or her, village. The pits were dug to catch and store the monsoon. The more pits,

Sustainable water development is a contradiction in terms, says Bernard Rousseau, an expert on water issues at France Nature Environment, an umbrella organization representing nearly 3,000 French
