Ten Southeast Asian countries agreed to form a new veterinary network to create and share the expertise needed to detect and control the spread of a highly contagious influenza virus that is deadly

A United Nations agency will urge wider use of a vaccine among birds to help stop the continuing spread of a virus that is deadly to birds and a threat to human health , an official said. The

Governments and relief agencies across Asia are racing to cope with diease and homelessness after heavy rains across the southeastern Himalayan foothills in recent weeks have cuased rivers from

Eight nations including the United States were to announce an agreement on Wednesday to slow global warming and harvest an otherwise wasted fuel by capturing emissions of methane, a heat-trapping

Rising security and other overheads costs of Western contractors are cutting into the billions of dollars set aside for some 90 planned water projects, allowing them to supply half the potable water

A few years after the anti-retroviral cocktail became available in 1996, turning AIDS from a death sentence into a chronic disease, unsafe secual practices began to surge in the United States and

Trade negotiations from 147 governments will take decisions in the coming days which will have profound consequences for the future of the World Trade Organisation and the global trading system. The

One does not often hear financial analysts talk about climate change, but this month John Casesa, an analyst at Merril Lynch, organized a teleconference to address a troubling question for Detroit's

It sounded like a gentle rain failling, but the sun had already launched off the horizon into a cloudless sky. The sound came not from the weather but from dropping feces and chopped leaves as a

These have been surprisingly busy days on the trade front. The United States is pushing forward on free-trade agreements with Africa, Australia and Central America, while negotiating with Europe and
