Air pollution figures will remain a state secret because of fears that the economy would be hurt by revealing how much smog from neighboring Indonesia has blanketed parts of the country, Malaysia

The Shanghai government plans to test a new method for cooling down the city this summer in a bid to dampen demand for electricity that led to power cuts last year: seeding clouds to create rain

Stanley Kravitz and a group of researchers at Sandia National Laboratories, sugar looks like a new oil. Kravitz and his colleagues have begun to apply for patents converting ways to convert glucose,

Larry Sippy, president of Sipco Molding Technology Tools, based in Meadville, Pennsylvania, said sales at the company fell to a 45 year low last year because of competition from lower priced goods

Filling a leadership vacuum left by President George W. Bush and Congress, states have been forced to lead the fight against global warming. California unveiled an ambitious proposal to require

Sixty-four blue plastic chairs snaked from the entrance to the exit of the new AIDS clinic at the hospital in this town, and each one was filled. And there was something nearly unheard-of for


A few years after the antiretorviral cocktail became available in 1996,turning AIDS from a death sentence into a chronic disease, unsafe sexual practices began to surge in the United States and

The Ndoki rainforest nestled in the northeastern corner of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was long so inaccessible that its animals were na

At an abandoned Soviet army base, scavengers dig deep into the earth. Tossing aside concrete casings, they carry away precious loot: cast
