Monsanto has annouced that it has halted its effort to introduce the world's first genetically engineered wheat, bowing to the concerns of American farmers that the crop would endanger billions of

In an abrupt change, the Bush administration has decided for the first time to consider counting fish raised in hatcheries when determining if some species are going extinct. The policy shift on

Blood pressure levels of children and adolescents in the United States have been climbing, a new study has found. The trend, measured from 1988 to 2000, could foreshadow a population of adults at

India's economy is spawing a growing middle class, a host of international companies, a booming stock market and a new image for this nation of more than a billion people. But those very reforms and

Blood pressure levels of children and adolescents in the United States have been climbing, a new study has found. The trend, measured from 1988 to 2000, could foreshadow a population of adults, at

Only a year after it opened in 2001, they 250 story, 4530 room Kalia Tower at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki was shut down because of a persistent mold problem. The tower had cost $95 million

A message to dozens of scientists and officials at the Goddard Space Flight Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has barred NASA officials from commenting on a disaster film on

For a long time AIDS has been seen as a disease striking mainly men. Today, over 20 years into the epidemic, women, account for half of the 40 million people living with HIV worldwide. In Africa,

Americans are opting more for vehicles with environmentally friendly gasoline-electric hybrid engines, new statistics show, and that trend is expected to continue because of high gasoline prices and

In a rare concession to U.S. trading demands, China is expected to pledge this week to crack down on pirating and counterfeiting of software, DVDs and other forms of intellectual property, according
