Eleven years after Russia applied for membership in the World Trade Organization, the major outstanding issue is with the European Union, and involves Russian natural gas. The key to concluding could

The Defense Department, environmentalists, and industry all support the long-delayed U.S. ratification of the international Law of the Sea treaty. But there is a danger that Senate conservatives

Global trade this year may grow at its fastest pace since 2000, the World Trade Organisation said, as China's commerce expands with record speed and Germany overtakes the United States as the world's

Is Senator John Kerry the answer to European and Japanese prayers on global warming? Perhaps, but contrary to international expectations, President Kerry would not get the United States into the

New studies in mice suggest that the horomone leptin can fundamentally chane the brain's circuitry in areas that control appetite. Leptin acts during a critical period early in life, possibly

Hoping to cut the risks of avian flu, health officials said that they wanted to shut down the sales of live chickens in markets and introduce central slaughtering. The proposal was sure to anger many

After years of political debate and a threatened lawsuit, free antiretroviral drugs became available in Gauteng, South Africa's most populous province to treat people in the late stages of AIDS. The

Island countries thought of as paradises are increasingly threatened by garbage and sewage they cannot dispose of because of lack of money or space, the United Nations warned at a global environment

A UN effort to feed nearly two million hungry Angolans, most of them former war refugees, is imperiled because Angola's government plans to outlaw imports of genetically modified cereals, according

Three years after the United Nations declared a worldwide offensive against AIDS and 14 months after President George W Bush promised $15 billion for AIDS treatment in poor countries, shortages of
