The World Health Organisation said that it was increasingly confident hat the bird flu virus that has killed 20 people in Asian wold not cause major human causalities in its current form.

Spain's first public stem cell bank has ignited a political battle over the regulation of medical research that uses human embryos. A debate over the ethics of the research was fueled last last week

Cattle numbers in Australia, the world's biggest beef exporter are forecast to drop to a nine year low by June because of drought, limiting the benefit to local ranchers of increased Asian demand for

The virus first crept in at the Russian border, and for a time, nobody in Estonia blinked. For more than a decade, beginning in 1988, only a handful of people in Estonia tested positive for HIV, the

Highly successful efforts to use combination drug therapy to stop transmission of the AIDS virus from mothers to their babies carry a troubling consequence for the mother : the development of

Of all the mind-numbing statistics about HIV and AIDS, the most staggering

A new trade agreement with the United States brought mixed reaction from Australian farmers. Proponents called it a landmark deal that could increase U.S. manufacturing exports by as much as $2

A new study that looked at 30 years of America's eating habits has pinned down how many more calories, carbohydrates and fats are eaten daily. From 1971 to 2000, the study found, women increased

A decades ago, Zimbabwe's public health system was, with South Africa's head and shoulders above those of most of the 40-odd others countries of sub-Saharan Africa. But in a weeklong trip through

A scientific advisory panel is urging the Food and Drug Administration to issue stronger warnings now to doctors about the possible risks to children of a newer generation of antidepressant drugs,
