With avian influenza showing no sign of slowing its speed across Asia, officials at the World Health Organisation are warning that the danger to human health is increasing daily.

The human death toll from bird flu rose to 13 while China reported more confirmed and suspected outbreaks of the virus in its poultry stocks. The economic suffering caused by the spread of the

A team of Russian and American scientists are reporting that they have created two new chemical elements, called superheavies because of their enormous atomic mass. The discoveries fill gap at the

China's bird flu out-break could be far larger than reported, the World Health Organisation said, as questions were raised over the safety of a regional cull of more than 25 million

The number of countries reporting avian influenza in their bird flocks has grown at an alarming rate in recent weeks, increasing the risk that sooner or later a mutant strain of bird flu may set off

A Food and Drug Administration policy banning the feeding of cattle blood to calves was based partly on a new human case of mad cow disease in which a British resident may have been infected through

The Food and Drug Administration has imposed new rules to prevent the spread of mad cow disease, including a ban on feeding cow blood and chicken wastes to cattle. The agency also banned the use of

With a budget of only $450 million a year

That President George W. Bush ignored the eironment I his State of the Union address was wither an admission that he has nothing to boast about on the issue or a judgment that Americans don't care

A new report commissioned by the government suggests that it will be difficult to completely prevent genetically engineered plants and animals from having unintended environmental and public health
