Merck has obtained rights to license an experimental drug to treat obesity that has generated scientific interest because it is based on a hormone used by the body to signal that it has eaten

After three years of belittling or suppressing science, the Bush administration appears willing to concede that humans and their industrial activity have been largely responsible for the recent

For the first time, more than half of the world's population has water piped into their homes, according to a United Nations report issued, an accomplishment hailed as a

In a striking shift in the way the Bush administration has portrayed the science of climate change, a new report to Congress focuses on federal research indicating that emissions of carbon dioxide

Polio has spread to two more African countries that had been freed of the crippling disease and threatens to become a major epidemic across west and central Africa, the World Health Organisation

A worthy global treaty has been awaiting Senate ratification for 22 years. If a tiny but noisy group of xenophobic activists, assisted by a callow Senate leadership, have their way, it will wait

North Korea imported 107 tons of a toxic chemical that can be used to make sarin nerve gas from South Korea via China last year, South Korea officials said. South Korea has expressed concern that

China today faces an exploding AIDS crisis. Officially, China admits to 840000 people living with the AIDS virus, but doctors say there are a million in Henan Province alone. In Henan, as elsewhere

Honda Motor, the world's biggest motorcycle maker, said that it has built scooters powered by fuel cells and gasoline

A 32- year old woman in Belgium has become the first woman ever to give birth after having ovarian tissue removed, frozen and then implanted back in her body, doctors are reporting. She had the
