Acid rain, now falls over two-thirds of China's land mass. Of 340 Chinese cities surveyed last year, 60 percent had serious air pollution problems. In China's seven major waterways, pollution is so

A virulent form of hepatitis that is especially lethal for pregnant women has broken out in two of Iraq's most troubled district, according to Iraqi Health Ministry officials, who warned that a

Singapore's new prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong, is calling for his citizens to be more productive

Laikipia, Kenya, there is a large population of black rhinos outside of a national park. Conservationists at Gallman's ranch and at others across Laikipia are tryign to preserve the rhino and other

Laikipia, Kenya, there is a large population of black rhinos outside of a national park. Conservationists at Gallman's ranch and at others across Laikipia are tryign to preserve the rhino and other

A new study shows that genes from genetically engineered grass can spread much father than previously known, a finding that raises questions about the straying of other plants altered through

It was Britain's warning to physicians last year not to treat depression in young people with six antidepressant drugs that set off an international debate and gave impetus to U.S. health authorities

The endangered North Atlantic right whale has virtually no natural enemies, but for 100 years it has found a foe in fishing lines. Nearly three-quarters of these leviathans have scars from getting

Toyota Motor and Honda Motor will use the Paris Car Show this week to raise sales of diesel-powered vehicles in Western Europe in an effort to catch up with local rivals. Toyota, Asia's largest

India's monsoon foodgrain production may drop from a year earlier as farmers have used less land to grow crops, including rice, because of below-average rains, according to an agricultural official.
