Two major makers of anti-AIDS drugs have agreed to expand licensing of the drugs in southern African to a host of generic manufacturers, potentially making both existing and new, more powerful AIDS

The United States needs a faster and better way to design and produce influenza vaccines. Experts knew back in March that a new, potentially formidable strain of the virus was circulating, yet

Scientists engaged in a major study of air quality and climate change have discovered pollutants from Asia hanging high over New England and the Atlantic this summer

A deadly strain of avian influenza virus has killed more than 1000 ostriches on two farms in South Africa in recent days and health officials are preparing to kill 30000 ostriches to stop

Humans have altered the world's climate by generating heat-trapping greenhouse gases since almost the beginning of civilization and even prevented the start of an ice age several thousand years ago,

In 1997, as a top executive of a Utah mining company, David Lauriski proposed a measure that could allow some operators to let coal-dust levels rise substantially in mines. The plan went nowhere in

Japan tobacco, the world's third-biggest cigarette maker, said that it had returned to profit in the first quarter after a change in the year-earlier period for a pension change left it with a loss.

A flood crest passed safely through the Three Gorges Dam on China's Yangtze River as devastated communities upstream cleaned up from floods that had killed at least 177 people and injured thousands.

The European Commission has changed its mind and abandoned a plan to permit laboratory

Northern Europe may have missed out on a heat wave this July, but other parts of the hemisphere have sweltered. From Canada Spain, temperatures reached into the high 30sand 40s Celsius, in some
