Scientists have determined that Archaeopateryx, the earliest known bird, was definitely bird brained

Since it was negotiated in Japan in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol, the first treaty that would require countries to curb emissions linked to global warming, has lingered in an indeterminate state, between

The government sent to Parliament its plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest living structure, by forbidding fishing on a third of the reef. Environment Minister David Kemp said

The avian influenza virus that has spread widely among poultry and other birds in Southeast Asia and infected some people there has also crossed another species barrier to infect cats, and can be

Japan said that it still held out hope that Russia would ratify an international global-warming treaty despite comments by a senior official who said Moscow could not accept the treaty in its current

So much for that smiling Mr. Sun stereotype. The superstar of the solar system has pulled some roaring temper fits since mid-October, erupting in gigantic flares 13 times the size of Earth. The

The colonoscopy, a much dreaded medical exam, now has a high-tech competitor that can detect tumors inside the intestines with equal accuracy but without the sedation, health risks or pain of the

Bernie Ecclestone, the commercial promoter of Formula One,is talking to officials in India and South Korea about hosting a race as the world's most watched motor sport loses ground in Europe.

With 40 per cent of Dhaka flooded, water is everywhere, but it is mixed in with sewage and not safe to drink. Relief workers are distributing drinking water at flood shelters, but they do not have

A Dutch study published last week in The New England Journal of Medicine produced the strongest evidence of MRI, can detect breast cancer in women at high risk of the disease far better than standard
