A study of a powerful cholesterol-lowering drug, Zocor, has surprised researchers by finding little or no benefit in greatly increasing the dose given to people who recently had heart attacks.

The climate of fear surrounding AIDS is hampering efforts to curb the spread of the disease and creating the environment for the epidemic to worsen, the World Health Organisation said. The agency

While the pace of the battle against AIDS is picking up, efforts to stem the epidemic are

The Senate has beaten back two major challenges to a bill that would add prescription drug benefits to Medicate. The votes cleared the way for Congress to approve the biggest changes in the program

Last week was a good week for protectionists in Brazil and for subsidized American farmers. The outcome of the hemispheric trade gathering in Miami suggests that both will continue to be shielded

The genetically engineered pet appears to have arrived. In a development that is likely to inspire both fascination and alarm, a Texas company will soon start selling a genetically engineered

In the past few days, two nations with large numbers of AIDS-infected people have announced plans to distribute a triple cocktail of life-prolonging antiretroviral drugs free to all of their citizens

Officials overseeing some of the largest U.S. pension funds have announced plans to press regulators, public companies and Wall Street to pay more attention to the potential financial upheaval from

It is now apparent that the oil spill from the Prestige, which sank off Spain last year, caused at least as much damage as the Exxon Valdez disaster on Alaska's coast in 1989. Oil from the Prestige

The free medicine arrived in July, and Lin Degui and Zhao Sanmin swallowed it down. In this village of 700, more than 100 people trudged the mud alleyways to the small clinic, each hoping for a
