A change in enforcement policy will lead the Environmental Protection Agency to drop investigations into 50 power plants for past violations of the Clean Air Act, lawyers at the agency who were

Less than an hour after President George W.Bush lifted his pen on Wednesday to sign a law that stealthily attempts to limit American women's constitutional right to

General Motors has postponed plans to sell a hybrid vehicle similar to the Toyota Prius by two years, until 2007, according to people close to the company's product development

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has ordered Roche to stop selling a novel diagnostic test until it obtains regulatory

The first thing that struck Shen Yunxiang when he descended into the bowels of Hisun Pharmaceutical was the smell,or rather the lack of it. It was as if the sewage system had been scrubbed with

After boldly going where only two nations had gone before, China's space program has brought a new sense of nationalism to the former British colony of Hong Kong. The successful launch was embodied

The Japanese authorities said Tuesday that they have found a new suspected case of mad cow disease. If confirmed, the 21-month-old Holstein would be the country's ninth confirmed

A federal farm Subsidy program is paying U.S. business nearly $1.7 billion to buy domestic cotton, a crop that is already one of the most heavily subsidized in the

Spain shuts its border with the British colony of Gibraltar on Monday for the first time in almost two decades after a Mediterranean cruise ship carrying tourists with a viral stomach infection

Long trips by air increase the chance of potentially fatal blood clots, according to an Australian government study released on
