Alien space wars and antimatter comets are but two of the more exotic explanations that have been proffered in the last three decades for the flashes of high-energy radiation known as gamma-ray

A class-action lawsuit filed against Nestle SA contends that its Poland Spring bottled water found deep in the woods of Maine, is little more than tap water that comes from ground-water sources

Air pollution kills almost half a million Asians every year as vehicles that would be banned in Europe or North America clog cities, factory owners ignore pollution control measures that have long

In August, two initial turbines from what will be the world's most colossal array of generators are to start spinning electricity from Yangtze dam (China)

Hino Motors Ltd., a Japanese truck maker half

Millions of people in northern China face water shortages this summer as the overused Yellow River falls to its lowest level in 50 years, while supplies elsewhere are heavily polluted, officials

The average fuel economy of cars and trucks in the United States fell to its lowest level in 22 years in the 2002 model year, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The technological and

The dams and canals were built in India and in other parts of Pakistan to provide irrigation and power. But little thought was given to the consequences downstream. Here at the mouth of the Indus,

As Ford Motor Co. last week scaled back expectations for its first hybrid-powered vehicle and backpedaled on the pledge to improve the fuel economy of its sport-utility vehicles, Toyota Motor Corp.

The Bush administration did the right thing on diesel emissions this week, curbing an important source of air pollution. Yet President on the environmental promises of his 2000 campaign. Most
