Will great cheese come from genetically engineered cloned cows? Scientists in New Zealand are reporting that they have created such cows, animals that produce milk with higher than normal levels of

Saudi Arabia may sit atop one of the world's largest oil reserves, but the other side of the geological coin is that the country also sits atop one of the world's smallest reserves of water. It does

Thousands of field workers throughout Cebtrak America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Phillipines have this medical problem, dibromochloropropane, or DBCP. The pesticide was banned in much of the

Given the Bush administration's inert approach to global warming, the best hope for getting a start on the problem this year lies with the Senate. The prospect that something will actually happen

The Bush administration has opened the way for a redefinition of federal rules tat could remove obstacles to development on millions of acres of isolated wetlands, protected under the Clean Water

A French research laboratory has unraveled the genetic code of the famed black truffles from the Perigord region, finally giving anti-fraud inspectors a tool to distinguish between the pricey French

Peering deep in space and time, astronomers have been what they think are some of the earliest known objects in the universe, including the most distant quasar ever detected. The faint light of 26

Water restrictions have become the norm is some parts of the America

Scientists wasted little time deploring the announcement by a religious sect that it had created the first human clone. It is not just because Clonaid, the company founded by the leader of the sect,

Global warming is forcing species around the world, from California star-fish to Alpine herbs, to move into new ranges or alter habits in ways that could disrupt ecosystems, two groups of researchers
