Decades after the wartime defoliant Agent Orange was sprayed over the country, Vietnamese continue to be exposed to a toxic ingredient through the consumption of contaminated food, according to a new

General Motors and daimlerChrysler were set to announce Tuesday that they werre dropping law-suits against the state of California over a landmark clean-air regulation that required the production of

The melting of Greenland glaciers and Arctic Ocean sea ice this past northern summer reached levels not seen in decades, scientists reported over the weekend. The summertime melt this year, which

Australia's Senate approved legislation Thursday allowing research on human embryos, ending weeks of emotional debate on the issue. he bill, adopted by a vote of 46 to 25, would allow Australian

Bangladesh will press India to stop a proposed multibillion- dollar project to connect 37 of its rives on the ground that it could threaten life in Bangladesh, a minister said over the weekend. The

The World Trade Organisation's agreement last weekend on a framework for further talks on lowering trade barriers is a welcome breakthrough. It could signal the beginning of the end for the $300

Ever since George W. Bush renounced the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on global warming two years ago, the industrilized world has been waiting patiently for signs that Americans are ready to focus on the

Australia's Parliament was poised to approve controversial legislation allowing the use of embryonic stem cells in medical research, winding up what has been one of its most protracted and emotive

American households now have more cars than drivers, according to a report released by the Transportation Department. The American household now has on average 1.75 drivers but 1.90

A group of American and Canadian biologists is debating whether to recommend conducting stem cell experiments that would involve creating a human mouse hybrid. The goal would be to test different
