President George W. Bush has appeared to distance himself from a report by his administration that says human activities are mostly to blame for recent trends in global warming, which many scientists

Japan ratified the Kyoto Protocol on global warming that it signed at a United Nations climate conference in 1997 and said that it would urge other countries, including Russia and the United States,

In a stark shift for the Bush administration, the United States has sent a climate report to the United Nations detailing specific and far reaching effects that it says global warming will inflict on

As it is required to do under international treaty, the Bush administration has sent to the United Nations a report on global warming, and the report is much more pessimistic than the

Now researchers think that they have found the perfect spider-silk factory where few would look: the udders of dairy goats. On farms in the Montreal suburbs and in upstate New york, researchers are

The world is facing a water crisis, analysts agree. Availability, pollution and quantity are major worries. In Africa and the Middle East, water supply has become a sensitive geopolitical issue.

After nearly a year of emotional arguments in North American Congress but no new federal laws the national debate over human cloning has shifted to the states. Six states have already banned cloning

The Defense Department sprayed live nerve and biological agents on ships and sailors during Cold War-era experiments to test the navy's vulnerability to toxic warfare, the Pentagon has revealed.

An infertility researcher in Kentucky has predicted that his human-cloning team will produce a pregnancy this year, with the delivery of a cloned human being coming in 2003.

The concrete tank under the coconut and breadfruit trees doesn't look like a big improvement to life in this hamlet. But Alfredo da Costa Soares Allegria is pretty excited about the tank, which
